Richland/Gull Lake Spring 2018 Events
Fun-filled community events await you this spring at the Richland Area Community Center! With events ranging from creating essential oil sprays and soaks to painting a mural of your favorite pet to gardening tips to get your home ready for spring, here’s a look at Richland/Gull Lake spring 2018 events you should add to your calendar:

April 18
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Tickets: $5
For an essential oil product you can use all the time, join the Richland Area Community Center to make a bath soak and calming linen/room spray! Sign up here and bring payment to the class.
April 19
6 to 8:30 p.m.
Tickets: $45
Test your luck at poker, pull some wine, have a couple of drinks and enjoy some great food from Chinn Chinn - all while mingling with other community members! Dinner is served from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
May 2
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Tickets: $5
Realize the great effects of essential oils at this event by learning how to make healthy, non-toxic hand sanitizer and roll-on immune support. Bring the finished product home with you!
May 3
6 to 8 p.m.
Tickets: $35
Do you love your furry friend? Here’s your chance to paint a picture of your favorite pet you will cherish forever. Simply purchase a ticket to the event and post a picture of your choice to this Facebook event page. The photo you choose is then used as a reference to paint over. For best results, pick one animal and use a forward-facing picture so you can highlight your pet’s adorable face!
May 12
9 to 11 a.m. (exchange starts at 9:45 a.m. sharp)
FREE to the public
With the spring season in full bloom, it’s time to start gardening! To learn more about gardening and different types of perennials, head out to Richland Area Community Center’s Perennial Exchange. The event is simple: bring in your favorite perennials in labeled pots, boxes or bags and go home with the same amount. Plus, take home some tips and tricks to expand your gardening knowledge and skills. A beautiful garden awaits you after this fun, free event.
Fridays, April 27, May 4, 11, 18
9 to 11:30 a.m.
Tickets: $85
Learn the craft of Calligraphy Italic with Mary Arkush during this four-week class. The class covers letter form, practice techniques and tools you need to master the beautiful handwriting used to address envelops, or create signs, wall art and more!
Reminder: Don’t forget to sign up for each of these events online to reserve your spot!
For questions about our great community, give Team Clancy a call. As longtime residents, we have the expertise to help you!